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Have you made the right material choices or are you unsure about your options? With us, materials are compared and weighed. Then a combination of materials will be chosen with the user’s needs in mind. This is how Es creates the perfect balance between different high quality materials.
1h consult at your home
Wij komen langs bij u thuis, om te kijken naar de ruimtes waar u hulp bij nodig heeft.
Any space required is discussed
Max 100m2
Materialization advice
If you want to keep costs low, it is recommended that you have us come by with different materials. In order to give a better picture and advice on materialization. This is very important for should you want to start a renovation or new construction.
Final result - Presentation
You will receive a presentation on A3 with all the information discussed and tips and tricks
Max 100m2
Each additional hour is charged at an hourly rate of 50 euros
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